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Quotations - Images - Impressions

“I have been assembling meaningful quotations for more than 30 years and will now enjoy sharing this somewhat eclectic assortment with others who may also find them interesting.“

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Playground Series 4"

 "Playground Series 5"
Digital merged media

B111 “What an artist learns matters little. What he himself discovers has a real worth for him.
Art gives him the necessary incitement to work.”
Emil Nolde

B112 “Dr. Winter was a man so simple that only a profound man would know him as profound. Joseph was elderly and lean and serious, and his life so complicated that only a profound man would know him to be simple.”
John Steinbeck “The Moon is Down”

B113 “When you understand the big you understand the small.
First understand the big.”
Source unknown

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